Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sid and Nancy

Sid (Gary Oldman) and Nancy (Chloe Webb) are well-played, considering how little the movie reveals about them. The heroin-addled vicissitudes of the Sex Pistols' bassist and his beloved floozy seem to stretch on forever, though, historically, the setting isn't longer than two years; and, although the movie mostly improves as it goes on, its heroes never become much more than deviant morons fueled by (particularly on Nancy's part) self-indulgence. Their love for one another, though passionate, seems arbitrary. This is probably because the director, Alex Cox, doesn't give us any context--we're given next to nothing about the characters' histories or the punk movement that they were a part of. "Sid and Nancy," which has been denounced by Johnny Rotten, is carried by its angry, laudatory verve, but not much else.

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